Vesyolaya marshrutka – the happy minibus


We may wonder what it was that made everyone so happy and cheerful after the end of the media training in Lugansk… The first participants have just left the “scene of the crime”, and now the rest of the pack is taking a minibus to the city centre. Will they take their seats in the van and then fall silent? Noooo! :-)

(A direct link to this mp3 file can be found here.)

Polskie trio


In these post-modern times, when nothing is as safe and stable and reliable as it used to be (or so it seems), we need to remain flexible and resourceful in order to cope with the challenges of life.

Here’s an example: What can be done when at a Ukrainian-German-Polish exchange event there happen to be no Poles? How could this severe absence possibly be compensated for? Well, hear for yourself… :-)

A direct link to this mp3 file can be found here.

Той молодий, у кого серце молоде! – Стаття про святкування Дня молоді в Токмаці


Настав цей день: 28 червня. Ой, скільки ж усього заплановано…

18.00 – міська площа вже кипить! Наметове містечко почало оживати. Центр соціальних служб для сім’ї, дітей та молоді та молодіжна громадська організація «Інститут громадського розвитку «Ортега-і-Гасет» були «будівельниками» містечка. А матеріал для будівництва люб’язно надав О.Г. Шпагін, директор міського ринку.
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Project report: Долгожданное и неповторимое шоу “Кто хочет стать миллионером?” (мастер-классы: видео и анимация)


Данное видео было создано усилиями двух рабочих групп, которые работали над анимацией, монтажем и дублированием видео под руководством тренера Кубы (Польша, Элбланг). Весь состав рабочих групп (Даниела Пашко (Украина, Николаев), Александра Маевская (Белорусь, Гродно), Александр Лысов (Украина, Харьков), Ирис Паешке/Iris Paeschke (Германия, Берлин), а также фрагменты работы можно увидеть в левом окне ролика. В правом окошке мы выдим порой напряженную, порой веселую работу участников семинара.

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Interview with Udo Israel about the media trainings in Ossmannstedt and Elbląg (in German)


At the end of the second NGO media training in Elbląg (Poland), Sebastian asked Udo, the radio cowboy, some questions about the event. Udo is not only an experienced trainer in the field of youth and adult education (with radio as his main field of expertise), but he also attended the first media training of this series in Ossmannstedt in March 2010. Therefore it was particularly interesting to ask him for a comparison of the two events. The interview was recorded on the platform of the train station in Elbląg with a Zoom H2 recorder (for which two attempts were necessary), and later edited with the free Audacity software. The sometimes poor audio quality is due to bad handling of the recorder, and of course to all the background noise you typically get in a railway station (especially if you’re standing right next to the other group members!). Well, at least it adds to the authenticity of the recording… Enjoy the interview!

And here you will have direct access to the MP3 file.
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Elbląg documentary video now on Youtube!


The documentary video made by Kacper, Pawel, Edyta and Mikolaj has been uploaded to Youtube. A great Thank You to the project group!


The movie itself is really good, of course, but the video quality is rather poor now. I will also try two other stragies: first through Vimeo, and then through the public folder of our mediatrainings Dropbox. The file shouldn’t be too large for that. We’ll see whether the results there will be any better.

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Just Some Lolcats


Evening party :)


Please no vodka again :) or please orange juice :)

(Sebastian zmusil mnie do tego :P)

Elblag slide show


…to give everyone an impression of the wonderful and interesting time we are having!

Finally a Podcast direct from our wordpress blog

My dear friends – I am a hero – and I mean it. Finally I found out how to subscribe to our wordpress blog as a podcast. The trick is to embed the sound as a pure mp3-file (from an URL) … by using soundcloud we always get a link to a player which can’t be identified by iTunes.
so please – try it out – it’s very simple and easy (like I said today several times)
have a nice night  and paaaaaaarty with Erasure and whoever else ….
Video killed us all
And here is the more detailed and specific description how to set up a podcast.